Emergency Shelters & Housing
For a list of Shelters offering assistance to individuals affected by Family Violence, please refer to that resource section.
Men's residential program provides safe accommodations for up to 329 homeless men. At the Centre of Hope, men share accommodations in short-term emergency housing (to a maximum of 90 days). After a short-term stay, men have the option of paying for a transitional (long-term) bed. 403-410-1111
Wheatland Crisis Society - Strathmore Shelter (Provides Shelter and Services for Men & Women) To provide safety, shelter, food, clothing, crisis counseling, referral and advocacy for those impacted by family abuse or in crisis. 403-934-6634
Wheatland Crisis Society
The Mustard Seed meets the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness by providing individuals with emergency shelter, food, clothing, hot showers, and hygiene supplies. 403-723-9422
There are 423 emergency shelters and 16,271 permanent beds in Canada
Did you know?
McMan Housing and Support Services (The Hope Homes program provides housing options and support services to youth 15 - 24 years old who are homeless, or at risk of, homelessness.) McCullough Centre (Offers interim housing for homeless Albertan men with addictions and / or mental health issues.) 780-967-2221
Alpha House Shelter is set up to provide immediate safety of individuals affected by alcohol and other drug dependencies) The shelter seeks to provide short-term, crisis-oriented emergency shelter 24/7 for adults who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Clients can access a variety of supports through our shelter services. 403-508-0808